HONR NetworkFamilies in grief have the right to do so in peace and dignity“Abuse is Not Always Physical”, Lenny Pozner
30.12.2016 16:55
Domestic violence is a very serious issue. However, many people do not realize that abuse is occurring when there is no actual physical violence involved. Emotional abuse is every bit as damaging to the victim, and in some cases, even more so. The effects of emotional abuse can be far-ranging and not apparent for years to come.
The second major side-effect of emotional abuse is the effect it has on the psyche and self-esteem of the person upon whom it has been inflicted. Serious, long-ranging effects stem from emotional abuse. Emotional and mental issues can arise immediately, or they may not manifest themselves for weeks, months, or years to come. Often times, these effects can be seen in physical abuse perpetrated by the victim years down the road.
Another side-effect of emotional abuse is the effect it has on those people around you. If you have children living in the household, and you are a victim of verbal abuse, they will consciously, or subconsciously, pick up on those habits, and perceive them as normal. They will then go on to exhibit abusive behavior in their relationships down the road. So, abuse doesn't have to be physical. Emotional abuse can be as dangerous, and in some cases, even more dangerous than physical abuse. If you or someone you know is a victim of emotional abuse, seek help immediately. Check with Lenny Pozner led HONR Network you can trust to help you. It's never too late to get help.
HONR Network is committed to standing up in defense of victims and their families affected by incidences of mass violence. With every tragic new incident, conspiracy theorists are renewed in their zeal to unleash torrents of abuse, harassment, defamation and hate towards survivors and their families. Some are driven by pure delusion that such incidences are staged hoaxes, while others simply for profit. Whatever the reason, HONR Network is dedicated to taking necessary action, within legal parameters, to bring accountability to Abusive Hoaxers; whether social or legal. The viciousness and cruelty visited upon those in trauma, pain, and grief by callous sociopaths cannot go unchallenged. The legions of additional followers the slanderous rhetoric attracts to churn out even more recruits to the mass delusion, and subsequent harassment of innocents, must be abated.
HONR Network is currently undertaking the task of financially assisting Sandy Hook parent Leonard Pozner, who’s 6 year old son Noah was killed in his elementary school along with 19 of his classmates and 6 female educators, to civilly prosecute Wolfgang Halbig.
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